Gun lovers and constitutionalists, it's time we had a look at this little gem. The city of Portland, OR passed a resolution that would ban residents from carrying a loaded weapon in public places.
This was a small while ago, and of course, it was taken to court. Any infringement of any Constitutional Amendment deserves a day (and more) in court. The Oregon Supreme Court finally took up the matter, and they reviewed it. They came back and declared it to be, sadly, constitutional.
I don't know, perhaps they don't know what "shall not be infringed" means. I, and many others, find this to be very clear. You cannot infringe on gun rights. Period. There is no "but", "or", or "if". There cannot be any infringement on the 2nd Amendment.
Liberals love safety. So much so that they entrust the government to protect them from everything. But what they don't realize is that the government cannot always be there to protect them. The police cannot protect you from everything.
Hypothetical Situation: Someone has broken into your house. It's 2am, and it's dark. You call the police, and they tell you they're on their way </end>. Now, if you were a liberal, you might be hiding somewhere, hoping the cops show up soon, and cart off that pesky robber or murderer lurking around your house for something valuable or your life. Now, if you were a conservative, libertarian, or somehow a pro-gun Dem, you might be ready to fire off a few rounds the moment you get a clear shot or a good view.
The thing with liberals is that they never realize that by banning guns, you make things more dangerous. They'll tell you it'll make things safer, that criminals can't get their hands on guns now. But, in reality, criminals keep getting their guns from backroom dealers and street dealers. They simply don't go to a store for them. That'd be stupid.
The reason why Aurora was so bloody was because no one was able to defend themselves or shoot back. Remember, the movie theatre was a "gun-free zone". A sign will not save you. A sign is only there to portray a message, and people don't care about that message sometimes.
I'd expect Portland residents to be outraged by this. Liberals are taking away freedoms and liberties, then they cry about how conservatives are out to take away freedoms and liberties. There is no reasoning with these idiots. I want people in Portland to demand this be repealed. Do it for the vulnerable kids in public. Do it for the vulnerable senior walking through the park. Do it so people can be safer again.