So recently (as in Friday), President Obama made the following statements: “My friends in the other party have made preventing [30 million] people from getting heath care their Holy Grail,”;
“The one unifying principle the Republican Party has is making sure that 30 million people don’t have health-care,”; and finally on the GOP threatening a government shutdown over Obamacare “is hard to understand as an agenda that is going to strengthen our
middle class… [and] there’s not even a pretext now they’re going to
replace it with something better,”.
So let's look at these Friday comments, shall we. “My friends in the other party have made preventing [30 million] people from getting heath care their Holy Grail,” This is funny to me. I want everyone to have healthcare; however; it isn't a human right, nor is it something the government should be mandating everyone have. You cannot force someone to simply buy a healthcare plan, and keep up with the premiums. If they cannot afford it, they cannot afford it. And those who can afford or already pay, should not be forced to pay for the coverage of those who cannot afford it themselves. To me, that's theft.
“The one unifying principle the Republican Party has is making sure that 30 million people don’t have health-care,” Again, this is laughable. All he's doing is trying to make the GOP look like the bad guy's. In reality, it's him who's the bad guy. Obamacare is nothing near a perfect policy. It's a load of bull when you ask me. Premiums are up for a majority of states, and it's not like the bureacracy has to be expanded to help oversee the law and it's workings.
[GOP on Govt. Shutdown] “is hard to understand as an agenda that is going to strengthen our
middle class… [and] there’s not even a pretext now they’re going to
replace it with something better,”. First off, this isn't going to strengthen the Middle Class. Businesses can't afford it. They're cutting hiring, and moving employee's to Part-Time work. This hurts the Middle Class. If you've seen the statistics for premiums, they're up for all but 5 states.
The lowest the premiums will be cut is just 14%, if even that. Not a whole lot. Especially when a majority of the other states are seeing double-percent increases. Other sources say even triple-digit increases.
I want to know how this is supposed to strengthen the Middle Class, as Obama claims, when it forces them and people already struggling to pay for their own coverage to pay even more.
If you were truly for making the healthcare system better, then you'd return it to the Private Sector. As a result, you wouldn't have these premium-hikes, or this massive hike in converting Full-Time to Part-Time. If you were for healthcare, then you wouldn't be taxing the equiptment used to heal and help people in hospitals and other medical facilities. That makes it harder for businesses to do business, and as a result, procedures and about every other medical-related thing 1. cannot innovate and get better, 2.cost you more, and 3. are harder to obtain. Putting the government in charge of healthcare is a bad idea, and it was a terrible thing to do.
The healthcare system won't be getting any better anytime soon thanks to Obama and Congress. Congress has had several times to stop the law, to end the headache people are feeling or going to feel. Congress could have done it, but they didn't. The President, however, will never allow his signature piece of legistlation to go down. He'd never let it get repealed. It's time people voice their outrage more and more. Obama needs to get it through his head that this isn't going to help people.