I'm gonna give a shout out to Common Core, and what a tremendous failure it's going to be. We've got new education standards that'll be comparable to No Child Left Behind, but I think it'll be worse. Worse, as in the fact that you can now argue with a teacher that your wrong answer is right, according to your reasoning.
Yep. If you can now explain your reasoning to your teacher about how you got your wrong answer, then that teacher will accept it as a right answer. It no longer matters if you get it wrong. You can now appeal your case to your teacher. It looks like it no longer matters if you get a right answer. As longer as you now can put up a good argument, you can be right and still wrong.
Is it me, or is Progressivism becoming more and more rediculous? This is a joke. The right answer is and cannot be up for debate. If your wrong, your wrong, whether you like it or not. Progressives have adopted this mindset that if they can get this implemented, it'll help people. But in reality, this will only hurt people.
You cannot expect to have a good education system, where the right answer is always debatable with a completely wrong answer. That's not how it works in reality. You can manipulate the numbers, make everything seem okay on paper. This, to them, seems like a good thing, in theory, but like Obamacare, it's a trainwreck. It's doomed to fail. Just watch it.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
In Obama's America, 3x4 Does Equal 11.
4:18 PM
common core, democrats, education, health care, liberals, progressives