Wednesday, August 28, 2013

LA School District Hires Survailance Company To Monitor Students Online Activity...

...On & OFF Campus.

I have a problem with this. A very big problem with this. Before we actually see the article, I wanna go over one thing with you though.

“The whole purpose is student safety,” Glendale Unified Superintendent Dick Sheehan told CBS Los Angeles. “Basically, it just monitors for keywords where if a student is considering harming themselves, harming someone else.”
The whole point is to spy on their students wherever they are. It's not for student safety. You cannot do this though. This is a violation of one's privacy and the 4th amendment. Do the students get to consent to this? What if they don't want to be part of it? This is an unreasonable search of their info online. The government has no right. Their argument is always "We wanna protect our kids!" Why not arm the damn teachers with guns then? Oh wait, a gun free zone is better than that for them apparently.

From The Daily Caller:
A school district amid the vast suburban sprawl of Los Angeles has hired a self-described social network monitoring service to stalk its students on internet-based platforms including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

The Glendale Unified School District already piloted the invasive tactic in three schools last year in conjunction with the company, called Geo Listening, reports CBS Los Angeles. For this year, the district decided to expand the program to include the social media postings of 13,000 students across eight middle schools and high schools.

It’s all for the teen and preteen students’ own good, you understand—to protect them. 
“The whole purpose is student safety,” Glendale Unified Superintendent Dick Sheehan told CBS Los Angeles. “Basically, it just monitors for keywords where if a student is considering harming themselves, harming someone else.”

By spying on students’ computer use, Sheehan explained, school officials will have access to crucial information as quickly as possible.

Each day, explains the Glendale News-Press, Geo Listening will produce a report for Glendale administrators that catalogs social network posts by frequency and by topics such as cyber-bullying, drug abuse, vandalism and skipping school. For good measure, there are other hopelessly vague categories including hate and despair.

The monitoring service will cost the district $40,500 this year.

The school district claims it was able to intercede to help a student contemplating suicide thanks to last year’s pilot program. 
“The administrator was contacted at the school site. Then we made contact with the student, the student’s family and we got them the appropriate help,” Sheehan boasted to CBS Los Angeles.

“We do monitor on and off campus, but we do pay attention during school hours,” the superintendent also noted. “We do pay more attention to the school computers.”

Not surprisingly, the CEO of Geo Listening, Chris Frydrych, also favors the program.

“We have provided information to school districts, which has led to numerous successful interventions on behalf of students that intended self-harm, suicide, bullying, truancy, substance abuse, and vandalism. We monitor only public posts to social networks. We do not monitor privatized pages, SMS, MMS, email, phone calls, voicemails,” he told the CBS affiliate. 
The station found a parent and student duo which supports the district’s snooping.

“If there was a red flag, if he’s talking about stress at school or he can’t take it anymore, if I won’t be able to deal with it, I would want somebody to come in,” concerned mother Felicia Johnson reflected.

Yalda T. Uhls, a researcher at the Children’s Digital Media Center at UCLA, told the News-Press that she appreciated the district’s attempts to stop cyber-bullying. At the same time, she suggested that the monitoring could cause students to mistrust adults who conduct around-the-clock digital surveillance. 
“As a parent, I find it very big brother-ish,” Uhls said. 

KY Students To Michelle Obama: Your Lunch Food Taste's Like vomit

I always knew this would come. It first happened in Wisconsin. Madison is where it was I think. It's the story of a school district trying to live within the money it's given, so they have to cut back on things. Meals was one of those programs that could have been cut down a bit. So, Michelle and her "Let's Move, America" fitness push came in and gave them a supplement lunch  menu. "Healthier" and cheaper it was supposed to be.

Well, they actually hated it in Wisconsin. They (students) made video's of them playing and hating on the food itself. Many complained of starving in them that it was too little. This may be the kind of meal for a skinny girl who wants to stay really thin, but it's not meant for the athlete's or really anyone else.

And so today's case comes from Harland, KY, in it's rural area's. Student's complain of it "tasting like vomit". Parents complain to the school board that their children go hungry throughout the day.

From The Daily Caller:
Students in a rural Kentucky county — and their parents — are the latest to join a growing national chorus of scorn for the healthy school lunches touted by first lady Michelle Obama.

“They say it tastes like vomit,” said Harlan County Public Schools board member Myra Mosley at a contentious board meeting last week, reports The Harlan Daily Enterprise.

The growing body of USDA meal regulations implemented by the Department of Agriculture under the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010″ has long been a signature issue for the first lady.Denizens of Harlan County don’t much care, though. 
Their primary concern at the board meeting was a bevy of complaints that local children are starving at lunch — and for the remainder of the school day — because the food on offer in the cafeteria is crappy and there isn’t nearly enough of it.

“Kids can’t learn when they’re hungry!” parents shouted to the board, according to the Enterprise.

Other gripes involved the new bread, which students don’t want to eat because it’s brown wheat bread, and the new milk, which is skim or one percent fat, not two percent or whole. The cafeteria’s chocolate- and strawberry-flavored milk offerings are now nonfat.

Jack Miniard, the school district’s director of school and community nutrition, was on hand to explain that the federal government now governs both food choices and portion sizes in most American school districts including Harlan County.

Under the National School Lunch Program, participating schools must provide lunches — including free or reduced price lunches — with minimum amounts of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and whole grains. Also, in what presumably falls outside the hunger-free aspect of the act, there’s a calorie cap: 850 for high school lunches, 700 for middle schools and a mere 650 calories for kids in elementary school. 
Students can only have one serving of meat or other protein. However, rich kids can buy a second portion each day on their own dime.

Servings of carbohydrates such as potatoes are limited to just a single serving of three-fourths of a cup per student.

On the plus side, students can eat as many fruits and vegetables as they want.

Across the country, students and parents have expressed dissatisfaction with the federal government’s new food regime. Some wealthier suburban school districts are simply backing out of the National School Lunch Program, though doing so can mean giving up a six-figure annual subsidy for the district.

In all honest, I sympathize with the kids, but I urge them to bring in their own lunches. 1. You can bring whatever the heck you want 2. Michelle Obama can't touch your lunch from home 3. I end my lunch feeling satisfied and full. So while the complaining is nice, let's try something new and, gasp, pack your own damn lunch.

I need someone to tell me when it became the governments sole responsibility to feed your kids. We already have bad enough schools as it is, and these kinds of government lunch programs aren't helping them get any better.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tax Dollars Now Going Towards... Helping Illegals Get & Keep Jobs?

Oh Liberals, how can you still love this President? After all he's done to America. And you Socialists out there, this should enrage you. The Obama Admin recently struck a deal with Mexico to give illegal aliens their so-called protected rights here in the US. It's funny, cause Obama say's he looking out for the Middle Class, he's a protector of the Middle Class, but this? This sort of breaks the glass shield that portrays such a message.

Instead of now being fired for being an illegal alien, they may now be able to keep those jobs. Jobs that Americans once used to hold. e'll be shelling out tax dollar after tax dollar to teach them about their "civil rights" (illegal aliens have them here?), minimum wage laws and workplace safety laws. Sounds cheap, doesn't it.

Instead of making sure that U.S. employers are not hiring illegal immigrants, the Obama administration has actually signed a secret deal with Mexico to protect “the rights” of illegal immigrants in the workplace.  According to this “memorandum of understanding”, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will spend U.S. taxpayer dollars to educate illegal immigrants about their civil rights, workplace safety, and minimum wage laws.  This is yet another example of how the Obama administration is openly flouting the law and doing all that it can to promote even more illegal immigration.  We are rapidly becoming a lawless nation that has absolutely no regard for the rule of law, and it all starts with the horrendous example that is being set at the very top. 
I was absolutely stunned when I first heard about this new agreement.  How in the world can the U.S. government promise to assist illegal immigrants in the workplace?  This deal probably breaks a whole bunch of existing immigration laws, but nobody is doing anything about it.  The following is an excerpt from the press release about this new deal 
The Miami District Office of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Orlando today with the Consulate General of Mexico in Miami and Consulate of Mexico in Orlando.  The agreement establishes an ongoing collaboration between these entities to provide Mexican nationals with information, guidance, and access to resources on the prevention of discrimination in the workplace regardless of immigration status.  Mexican Consul Efran Nicolas Leyva Acevedo of Orlando and Miami District Office Director Malcolm S. Medley signed the agreement.  Acting Mexican Consul General Vladimir Hernandez Lara of Miami signed the document prior to the meeting today.
“By signing this Memorandum of Understanding today with the Mexican Consulate, we of the EEOC’s Miami District have solidified our continued and longstanding commitment to this underserved community,” said Medley.  “This agreement provides the opportunity for ongoing education, outreach and service by the EEOC to Mexican nationals in our area.  We look forward to a long-lasting and significant partnership.”
Under the terms of the MOU, the EEOC will expand its relationship with these two consulates by providing them with Spanish-language materials explaining the laws enforced by the federal agency.  In addition, the EEOC will partner with consulate offices to provide information and training to areas of the state where migrant farm workers and other Mexican nationals live and work.
And of course this comes at a time of high unemployment for U.S. citizens and at a time when wages are being driven down by competition from illegal immigrants inside this country and by competition from foreign workers overseas. 
Unfortunately, the Obama administration does not seem to care about that.  What is important to them is the radical political agenda that they are relentlessly pursuing. 
The following is what former police detective Iris Aquino had to say about this agreement… 
“In other words, the Obama administration has been siding with — and protecting — lawbreakers, while persecuting and prosecuting American business owners, who in the past administrations were denigrated and even arrested for hiring — or harboring — illegal aliens” 
But of course this is not the first time the Obama administration has done this sort of thing.  Over the years the Obama administration has made it abundantly clear that it is on the side of the illegal immigrants.  In fact, the Obama administration has even gone after employers that require their employees to speak English in the workplace even though federal law permits them to do so… 
Although federal law allows employers to require English on the job, a national healthcare firm will dish out nearly half a million dollars to settle a discrimination lawsuit in which the U.S. government alleges Hispanic workers were punished for speaking Spanish. Filed by the federal agency that enforces the nation’s workplace discrimination laws, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the suit accuses Skilled Healthcare Group Inc. of enforcing an English-only rule against Hispanics. The firm operates nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Western and Southern states and the government says Hispanic employees were harassed for not speaking English.

And the Obama administration has also tried to do all that it can to get more immigrants enrolled in federal welfare programs.  In fact, the government actually has a website that teaches immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States.  On, immigrants are encouraged to sign up for all of the “government benefits” that they are eligible for.  Here is an excerpt from that page 
Depending on your immigration status, length of time in the United States, and income, you may be eligible for some federal benefit programs. Government assistance programs can be critically important to the well-being of some immigrants and their families. Frequently, however, there is a lack of information about how to access such benefits. Benefit programs can be complicated and you may be given misleading information about how they operate.
But illegal immigrants are not supposed to be eligible for welfare programs such as food stamps, right? 
Technically yes, but the Obama administration has widely distributed materials that inform illegal immigrants that their immigration status will not be checked by government officials when they apply for food stamps. 
How bizarre is that? 
And not only is the Obama administration doing all that it can for illegal immigrants, it is even stopping state governments from enforcing our immigration laws.  In fact, the Obama administration actually took the state of Arizona to court to keep them from cracking down on illegal immigration. 
Meanwhile, illegal immigration continues to have a very negative effect on thousands of communities all over the United States.  If you doubt this, please see my previous article entitled “19 Very Disturbing Facts About Illegal Immigration That Every American Should Know.” 
So what do you think about all of this? 
Do you believe that the Obama administration should be helping illegal immigrants in the workplace?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Gun Control Wars: Episode 1: The Democrat Tax-Pusher

It is a hard time for a person to be a gun owner. These days, fines and fee's, and background checks can keep you from being united with your recently purchased gun. But, what if those fines were to grow by say... 20%? How about 50% more when you buy some ammo?

Thanks to these "fine" two Democrat Representatives in the House, Danny K. Davis (D-IL) and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), that may just happen. their bill H.R. 3018 titled "Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2013" is aimed at raising the taxes for handguns by 20%, and ammunition by 50%. What's the money gonna be used for if implemented? Funding the police who will take much longer to respond to your house than you would with a gun.

From Breitbart:

Representative Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) and Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) are sponsoring legislation which amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to include a 20 percent tax on handguns--"pistols [and] revolvers"--as well as a 50 percent tax on "shells and cartridges." 

The bill is H.R. 3018 and it is titled the "Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2013." 
News 12 New Jersey reports that Pascrell believes a new tax on handguns "has been a long time coming." In announcing the legislation on August 21, Pascrell said, "The tax on handguns was last increased in 1955. Worse yet, the tax rate on ammunition and other types of firearms has remained the same since 1941."
The bill is designed to bring in revenue from gun and ammo sales to help cover police costs around the country. An estimated $600 million a year would be provided if the bill went into effect. 
Besides taxing "pistols [and] revolvers" the bill also contains language indicating a proposed 20 percent tax on firearms "other than pistols and revolvers."
The tax would be placed on firearms at the time of "sale by the manufacturer, producer, or importer." If implemented, this legislation will drive firearm and ammunition prices through the roof. 

DHS Employee Wants Millitant Cells In Race War?

The Department of Homeland Security does anything but protect the homeland, and I can now prove it to you. Meet Ayo Kimathi, a DHS employee. He want's to set up and start militant cells to help move an upcoming race war..., and I'm not kidding with you.

Wait, this guy is DHS though? Why does he wanna hurt people in the US? How does he still work for the DHS? All of these are questions even I need answered. Above all though, is the fact that his co-workers don't talk to him much cause they're scared of him. He's even been called the next "Nidal Hasan".

From Breitbart:

Ayo Kimathi might have been the next Nidal Hasan. People who worked with Kimathi were reportedly afraid of him. And like Hasan, who killed 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, Kimathi talked openly about his extremist beliefs even while working for the department whose mission is to identify violent extremists.

Kimathi, aka Irritated Genie, appeared on a podcast in July 2010 in which he discussed his plans for carrying out a race war with "Europeans." In the same podcast Kimathi talked about his "plantation job" working for the government and claimed he was always spreading his message of a coming race war, even when at work.
In this clip, Kimathi discusses the message he hopes to give in which he will lay out his master plan for the coming race war. Kimathi wants to create small "cells" of 3-5 people who would inspire action including "military efforts to secure a future for our people."
 In this next clip, Kimathi discusses his "plantation job" and how he tries to spread his message of a coming race war no matter where he is.
Nidal Hasan also advertised his extremist beliefs prior to the deadly shooting at Ft. Hood. He used the acronym SoA for soldier of Allah on his business cards. He made multiple contacts to Anwar al-Awlaki and in online postings compared suicide bombing to self-sacrifice on the battlefield. Despite all of these red flags he was promoted rather than disciplined.
Kimathi, thankfully, has not acted on his violent plans. But like Hasan he seems to have gone unnoticed at a string of government jobs even as he has spoken openly for years about his dream of a race war with whites. Kimathi was placed on paid leave Saturday. He should obviously be fired immediately.
But at this point DHS also needs to explain how he was allowed to rant about a new civil war for so many years without anyone picking up on it. According to Kimathi, he talks about this wherever he goes. And according to published reports, his co-workers were afraid of him and worried he might "go postal" one day. So how is it possible that no one in authority took action? Kimathi's supervisors also need to be held accountable.
Kimathi will be out of a job soon enough. The real question is this: If DHS can't even deal with a dangerous extremist on their own payroll, how can they deal with the dangerous extremists who aren't?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

States Wave Final Goodbye's To Gun Producers In Wake Of New Gun Control

I guess some just didn't listen. It's like liberals and democrats are too stupid to see that this'll hurt normal people. But, being the caring, loving, people they are, safety comes first.

From The Daily Caller:
In recent months, several traditionally anti-gun states, and Colorado, have enacted laws that abuse the rights of the average citizen and offend their corporate citizens. The situation has led to an exodus of gun manufacturers to more friendly climes, with anti-gun states losing the significant tax revenue and jobs these companies provide.

Amongst the companies that have chosen to relocate is Magpul Industries of Erie, Colo., a manufacturer of AR-15 parts, accessories and magazines. Magpul warned the state in February that the company would move if legislation banning standard capacity magazines passed. In March, Gov. Hickenlooper signed a ban, and Magpul set out in search of a new home, possibly in Texas.

Another refugee is Kahr Arms of Rockland County, N.Y. Following New York’s enactment of the so-called S.A.F.E. Act, Kahr announced that it would be moving some of its operations from the Empire State to more gun–friendly Pennsylvania. Prior to New York’s new law, Kahr had been considering building a new facility, with 80-100 additional jobs, in Orange County, N.Y. When asked about the move by the Wall Street Journal, Kahr Vice President of Sales and Marketing Frank Harris said of New York, “We don’t feel welcome.”

PTR Industries, a maker of semiautomatic rifles in Bristol, Conn., has also chosen to move. In reaction to Connecticut’s recently enacted legislation, the company confirmed in June that it would be moving to Aynor, S.C. Similarly, fellow Connecticut gun maker Stag Arms and the Palmetto State have shown mutual interest.

Other manufacturers, such as Sturm, Ruger & Company and Beretta, have sought out firearm friendly states for their expansion plans, with Ruger opening a new plant in North Carolina. Even Remington, which has built firearms in Ilion, New York, for over 150 years, is reported to be looking to move part or all of that operation to a gun-friendly state.

Manufacturers looking to move or expand are in a buyer’s market, as several states have rolled out the welcome mat. Back in June, the Hartford Courant detailed recruiting trips by fervent gun rights supporter and shooter, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard, who were seeking to convince Connecticut manufacturers of the virtues of their states. Stag Arms CEO Mark Malkowski told a reporter for the National Review that the company had received “about one hundred offers” to relocate.

It is not surprising that the radical anti-gun legislatures and governors in these states failed to consider the impact these extreme new laws would have on businesses and the jobs they support. Restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans is a far more important goal to these politicians than protecting the jobs of their constituents. Fortunately, our federalist system gives people and businesses the opportunity to locate in states that continue to respect the individual rights of Americans and that best represent their economic interests.

Rep. Rangel Believe's Young People Shouldn't Have To Pay For College

Wow Charlie, way to fall in-line with the other liberal idiots. Obama's new education standards proposed earlier have him out saying "“There is no reason why a young person should have to pay for college education, because who does it benefit except a nation?" Well, that's actually false. That same person could move out of the US, to a country we perhaps don't like. And second, when did the American people become financially liable for people to go through college. We can't even balance our own budget for crying out loud! And Obama's reaction, is to add more and more to the deficit?!

And today's youth aren't exactly that motivated to study their butt off to pass everything in college. Some are there just for the parties and the fun of it. I personally do not want  to be on the paying end of this. This is a waste of my money, and money that people need. Salaries are down in this so-called recovery. And where has Obama proposed to get the money for this from? Oh wait, tax hikes on the rich (and everyone else).

From Daily Caller:
On Martin Bashir’s Thursday MSNBC program, New York Democratic Rep. Charles Rangel said that no students should have to pay for college.

Rangel was reacting to President Barack Obama’s higher education proposal rollout that would put in place requirements for students and institutions to receive federal financial aid assistance.

Rangel explained to fill-in host Joy Reid that he support Obama’s plan, particularly the accountability components.

“I think it’s exciting, and certainly it’s going to bring in accountability,” he said. “You know, we have universities scattered all over the world. Sometimes you think that tuition means nothing to a large group of people who pay these enormous salaries to college presidents. But if you’re talking about production, if you’re talking about what is the college really giving someone that doesn’t want a worldwide education, they just want to be able to compete. This makes sense.”
Rangel, however, told Reid those reforms alone weren’t enough and would offer college to Americans for free.

“But you know something, Joy?” Rangel continued. “There is no reason why a young person should have to pay for college education, because who does it benefit except a nation? Who are we competing against? Not ourselves, but China and other industrialized countries, they decide what they need, and they provide the incentives. Here we don’t have nurses and doctors, and then when a person gets out of health school, I mean out of medical school, they can’t get the money to pay off their debt. It doesn’t make sense.”


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

LACC Board: No Guns, Except For Theatrical Purposes

The Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustee's has ruled that there are to be no more guns on campus. Your only exemption from that rule? Using it for theatrical purposes. This means the only time you can have a gun is if it's for some show or "theatrical" purpose. Suppose a gun man were to enter the campus, and use it for the "theatrical" purpose of a "fake" shooting. No one else has a weapon to defend themselves with, so in the end, people die, while that technically falls under the rules.

From Daily Caller:
The board of trustees of Los Angeles Community College passed a resolution banning guns on campus, effectively ending a firearms training course that had been part of the college’s roster for years.
The ban applies to all nine of LACC’s campuses, and was enthusiastically backed by Board of Trustees Vice President Scott Svonkin.
“We should make sure that students don’t come to campus being afraid to run into somebody with a gun,” he said in a statement to Campus Reform.
Svonkin was happy to see the firearm training course go. Colleges should not teach students to use guns, he said. Rather, they should “promote gun control.”
The course was co-sponsored by the National Rifle Association, and has been taught for the past six years by instructor Gerry Koehler. Koehler did not respond to requests for comment, but his website gives his training philosophy as follows: “Don’t expect the police or the government to protect you. YOU are the only one that can protect you and your family. Learn how to do it right. Learn how to do it safely.”
Koehler sought authorization to use plastic toy guns in class, but these are specifically banned as well in the text of the board’s resolution.
Curiously, the resolution creates an exemption for weapons that are used in “theatrical performances.” Svonkin did not respond to a request for comment as to the meaning of this exemption.
Koeher said that College President Kathleen Burke forbid even the use of the word “gun” on campus, according to an interview with Campus Reform.
“She said they are not allowed to even have the mention of the world ‘gun’ in their campus catalog,” he said.
Svonkin openly accused the NRA and the firearms training course of endangering the campus.
“I believe that the NRA’s goal is to promote gun ownership, and that guns lead to deaths,” he said. “So, not having the NRA teach classes, not having the NRA classes on our campuses, is a good thing. I’m much happier with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department protecting our students and our staff and our faculty than having some random person who took a three-hour class and thinks that they’re Dirty Harry.”
The ban is in part a response to a shooting at Santa Monica College in June. A gunman, John Zawahri, allegedly shot his father and brother in their home, forced a motorist to drive him to the campus, and then opened fire on random people. Santa Monica College was a gun-free zone at the time. It is unclear whether LACC trustees believe that establishing a gun-free zone would deter a mass shooter from entering their campus.

Everyone, repeat after me: The NRA promotes Gun Safety. They provide Gun Safety courses so you can learn to defend you, your family, or anyone.

And furthermore, these are the same kinds of leftists that scream at the Police at Occupy rallies, then demand the police protect them from everything. I mean, it's not like there's any kind of wait time with the police. They can just zap to your position, and defend you with... their gun. Similar to a gun that you could have bought, learned to use, and had with you at a moments notice. No reliance on anyone else.

I also hope they realize they'll be painting a big target on the campus if they declare it a "Gun-Free" zone. Those definitely work. Remember Aurora, CO... wait, they didn't work there. How's about that mall outside of Portland OR where the gunman had just entered... wait, that was stopped by a good guy with a gun. The point here, is that those "Gun-Free" zones, fail miserably.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

In Obama's America, 3x4 Does Equal 11.

I'm gonna give a shout out to Common Core, and what a tremendous failure it's going to be. We've got new education standards that'll be comparable to No Child Left Behind, but I think it'll be worse. Worse, as in the fact that you can now argue with a teacher that your wrong answer is right, according to your reasoning.

Yep. If you can now explain your reasoning to your teacher about how you got your wrong answer, then that teacher will accept it as a right answer. It no longer matters if you get it wrong. You can now appeal your case to your teacher. It looks like it no longer matters if you get a right answer. As longer as you now can put up a good argument, you can be right and still wrong.

Is it me, or is Progressivism becoming more and more rediculous? This is a joke. The right answer is and cannot be up for debate. If your wrong, your wrong, whether you like it or not. Progressives have adopted this mindset that if they can get this implemented, it'll help people. But in reality, this will only hurt people.

You cannot expect to have a good education system, where the right answer is always debatable with a completely wrong answer. That's not how it works in reality. You can manipulate the numbers, make everything seem okay on paper. This, to them, seems like a good thing, in theory, but like Obamacare, it's a trainwreck. It's doomed to fail. Just watch it.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Portland Residents Banned From Carrying Loaded Guns In Public Places

Gun lovers and constitutionalists, it's time we had a look at this little gem. The city of Portland, OR passed a resolution that would ban residents from carrying a loaded weapon in public places.

This was a small while ago, and of course, it was taken to court. Any infringement of any Constitutional Amendment deserves a day (and more) in court. The Oregon Supreme Court finally took up the matter, and they reviewed it. They came back and declared it to be, sadly, constitutional.

I don't know, perhaps they don't know what "shall not be infringed" means. I, and many others, find this to be very clear. You cannot infringe on gun rights. Period. There is no "but", "or", or "if". There cannot be any infringement on the 2nd Amendment.

Liberals love safety. So much so that they entrust the government to protect them from everything. But what they don't realize is that the government cannot always be there to protect them. The police cannot protect you from everything.

Hypothetical Situation: Someone has broken into your house. It's 2am, and it's dark. You call the police, and they tell you they're on their way </end>. Now, if you were a liberal, you might be hiding somewhere, hoping the cops show up soon, and cart off that pesky robber or murderer lurking around your house for something valuable or your life. Now, if you were a conservative, libertarian, or somehow a pro-gun Dem, you might be ready to fire off a few rounds the moment you get a clear shot or a good view.

The thing with liberals is that they never realize that by banning guns, you make things more dangerous. They'll tell you it'll make things safer, that criminals can't get their hands on guns now. But, in reality, criminals keep getting their guns from backroom dealers and street dealers. They simply don't go to a store for them. That'd be stupid.

The reason why Aurora was so bloody was because no one was able to defend themselves or shoot back. Remember, the movie theatre was a "gun-free zone". A sign will not save you. A sign is only there to portray a message, and people don't care about that message sometimes.

I'd expect Portland residents to be outraged by this. Liberals are taking away freedoms and liberties, then they cry about how conservatives are out to take away freedoms and liberties. There is no reasoning with these idiots. I want people in Portland to demand this be repealed. Do it for the vulnerable kids in public. Do it for the vulnerable senior walking through the park. Do it so people can be safer again.

Lib Judge Strikes Down OK's New Anti-Sharia Law

Of course she's a liberal. They're the only kind of people that'd do this out of "Political Correctness". Recently, Oklahoma (one of the reddest states in the country) passed a new amendment to it's Constitution that Sharia law (Islamic Law) cannot be used in any way in their courts. Sounds good to me. Only American laws should be applied in American courts.

Now, this judge,Vicki Miles-LaGrange, takes it upon herself to toss this into the trash. According to the Tulsa World:
An Oklahoma constitutional amendment that would bar the state’s courts from considering or using Sharia law was ruled unconstitutional Thursday by a federal judge in Oklahoma City.
In finding the law in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Establishment Clause, U.S. District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange issued a permanent injunction prohibiting the certification of the results of the state question that put the Sharia law ban into the state constitution.
“While the public has an interest in the will of the voters being carried out, the Court finds that the public has a more profound and long-term interest in upholding an individual’s constitutional rights,” the judge wrote.
Now, nit-picking this isn't even necessary. The judge ultimately gives herself the mindset of a person that knows what's best for everyone. The judge thinks this is violating some one's rights, but in reality, and not her liberal, nannyist fantasy land, this was meant to protect people's rights.

Sharia law should not and can not be used in this land. Our laws are so much different from Sharia. Accepting Sharia law in our courts, US courts, just to please a few Muslims so they can manipulate America into what they envision is a dangerous thing. Judges are idiots when they consider someone else's law, especially when it's not the law of this land.

You can call me a bigot and an islamophobic idiot all you want, but when you start seeing Sharia Law used in our courts more and more often (as if the courts weren't abused enough), you'll start whining about the unfairness of it. They won't care by then. Their transformation of America will be too far along to easily stop it. And they won't care about it's "unfairness".

Just look at all the Islamic countries in the Middle East. Do they care about minority rights? Do they care about what they do to people of another religion? NO! That's why you see Muslims in Egypt burning Churches (for other reasons too). That's why you see Muslims burning churches in other Islamic countries. That's why you see Muslims angry when people don't abide by Sharia Law. That's why Gay's are lynched in many of those countries too. If your a pro-homosexuality kind of person, go to Iran or Saudi Arabia, and see how long you last. I doubt it'll be long when you start talking.

I don't know what this judge was thinking, but in doing this, she opened the door for more court abuse the state of Oklahoma doesn't need. Oklahoma is still trying to recover from that devastating tornado months ago. They don't need someone to come to their state, and force laws from another country onto them. That's not what they need. I read this judge's wiki page, and there was a state senator calling for her impeachment. I fully support you in your endeavors, you brave Senator, and I wish you good luck.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Million Muslim March Planned In DC On 9/11

Oh boy, won't this be an interesting thing. So, we have a group, called the American Muslim Political Action Committee (think AIPAC but for Muslims). They've decided to get 1 million Muslims to gather in Washington D.C., and demand their rights be protected. Well yes, their rights are in danger. It's not like the liberals, the nanny statists, and the everyday-bureaucrat and their agenda are gonna just effect one specific group.

Now, the problem I really have with this. The day it's supposed to be held on means a lot to people. It's scheduled for September 11th. I mean, it's not like a horrific event even happened that day period (end sarcasm). This is a day when people take a moment to remember what Islamic Extremists caused. This is the day when people remember family members, friends and people lost that day.

This is a day people don't wish to have interrupted, especially by a protest like this. This is the kind of protest that makes me get a headache. And in all reality, this isn't going to be 1 million Muslims. This is gonna be 1 million truthers, non-Muslims, islamists, and maybe there actually will be a few Muslims.

It's funny though, because they're demanding that we protect their rights to free speech and free religion, yet if you go to any country in the Middle East (excluding Israel), there is no free speech, and there is no freedom of religion. People who speak against Islam, or those who are Christian or Jewish or of any other faith are harped on by their government, and occasionally killed. Wanna be gay in the Middle East? Are you prepared to be killed for it, cause they will do that to you there?

It's funny when Muslims ans Liberals demand their freedoms be protected, and then they turn around and demand "hate speech" be banned because they're offended. In case they haven't realized it, they cannot demand free speech for themselves, then turn around and have the things they hate banned. That's hypocritical. That makes you look stupidly idiotic. As for the march, I'd ask the organizers to reconsider, or move to another day. Their choice of date is, in reality, ridiculous, and is going to make a bunch of people pissed off.

Monday, August 12, 2013

CA Gov Allows Transgendered Students Access To Any Bathroom Or Sports Team

Do you live in California? You a student in a public school? Play on a sports team there as well? Things are about to get a bit interesting for you. Gov. Jerry Brown signed new legistlation into law, allowing transgendered students to be able to choose whichever bathroom they choose, join whichever sports team they choose (male or female), and join any program they wish for their new gender identity.

So, are you prepared for the comings of this new law? Think about how the this will be taken in by kids in high school? Let's have a look. With society in it's current state, there wouldn't be any possibility that some kid will take this a different way, and use this for their own purposes. I think the perverts will love this. They can go into whatever school bathroom they wish, and they're free to almost have their way.

From Daily Caller:
Transgendered students in California will now have the right to use whichever bathrooms they prefer and join either the boys’ or girls’ sports teams, thanks to landmark legislation signed by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday.
The law amends the state’s education code, and stipulates that each student will have access to facilities, sports teams, and programs that are “consistent with his or her gender identity,” rather than the student’s actual biological composition. A male student who self-identifies as female could therefore use the girls’ bathroom, even if he is anatomically male.
Though the debate over accommodating transgendered students’ needs has ramped up recently — with several high-profile cases attracting media scrutiny — California is the first state to address the issue with statewide legal action.
“I’m so excited that California is making sure transgender students have a fair chance to graduate and succeed,” said Calen Valencia, an 18-year-old transgender student, in a statement. “I should have graduated this year, but my school refused to give me the same opportunity to succeed as other boys. Now other transgender youth won’t have to choose between being themselves and graduating high school.”
The legislation was sponsored by Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, who said that it will make school life easier for transgendered kids.
A spokesperson for Ammiano admitted that the bill would irk some parents who do not want their kids sharing bathrooms with members of the opposite sex.
“Clearly, there are some parents who are not going to like it,” said Carlos Alcala, a spokesperson for Ammiano, in a statement to San Jose Mercury News. “We are hopeful school districts will work with them so no students are put in an uncomfortable position.”

Wait, how does this have anything to do with graduating high school? How does not being able to use the bathroom you want effect that? How does not being able to play on the sports team of your new gender effect graduating? If I'm right, graduation depends solely on... wait for it... GRADES!!!!!! Those mystical numbers and letters teachers hand out in classes to you.

Not being able to choose your bathroom or sports team doesn't effect your grades. Your work in a class and how you perform do though. So, if your out lobbying your state legistlature to pass such a bill like this, and not focusing on the important things (i.e. passing high school), then you have some messed up priorities.

WaPo Takes On The McAuliffe Scandal

WaPo, you were recently bought out. Isn't this supposed to be some sort of new beginning for you? Find a new direction? Get away from the Liberals that brought you so low you joined many other leftist publications that have been bought or sold to other businesses or corperation?

No? Okay then. Well, we pick up where we last saw the Washington Post, in a spiralling downfall. Today's story consists of good old Terry McAuliffe (wonder who he is). They tried to go through the mess that's surrounding his old business record. While acknowledging that the many things said about McAuliffe and his record, well, just read it for yourself.

From The Washington Post:

TUNICA, Miss. — Drive south from Memphis toward the cradle of American blues, and you come upon a landscape of dusty cotton fields and small towns dotted with yard sales and loan stores.

Just off the legendary Highway 61, where crop-dusters perform acrobatics above billboards for Mississippi Delta casinos, is the place where Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe pledged to build a $60 million factory for his electric-car company. On a recent summer day, a bird was skittering over patches of weedy gravel at the vacant site of what is supposed to be GreenTech Automotive’s future plant.

In Horn Lake, Miss., GreenTech runs a temporary assembly plant in an old elevator factory. There, fewer than 100 workers are producing no more than one car every two or three days, according to current and former company employees.

What is happening in these spots in rural Mississippi has become an issue in the Virginia governor’s race.

McAuliffe, a Democrat who has never held elective office, tells voters that they should choose him because of his entre­pre­neur­ship and experience creating jobs. His Republican opponent, state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II, points to GreenTech and counters that McAuliffe has broken his promises on job creation.

After losing the 2009 Democratic primary for governor, McAuliffe set out to establish a “green” car company in Virginia, using political connections and his well-honed salesmanship skills to get the venture off the ground. In 2010, the former Democratic National Committee chairman spent $20 million to buy EuAuto Technology, a Hong Kong-based company that built the MyCar, and he was already scouting for possible locations — ideally with government incentives — to build a plant in the United States.

While Virginia officials were still scrutinizing GreenTech’s business model, the company received millions of dollars in incentives from Mississippi and began operations there. Questions about the company have dogged McAuliffe since his current gubernatorial campaign began.

McAuliffe and company officials defend GreenTech’s progress, saying all start-up companies struggle at first.

“I started my first business at 14,” McAuliffe said during a brief interview at a recent campaign event. “You have ups and downs in businesses. But I have been in the arena, trying innovative new concepts to create 21st-century jobs, and, generally, I think most people will tell you who start up small businesses, they generally take longer than you’d hope for. But that’s part of business.”

McAuliffe’s co-founder, Xiaolin “Charles” Wang, said in an interview that GreenTech should be judged over a longer period. “This is a small, tiny start-up,” Wang said. “It is hard to start a business. It is even harder to start a car business, especially in an economic crisis.”

But Cuccinelli seldom misses a chance to razz McAuliffe about GreenTech’s troubles.
Last month, on the one-year anniversary of the company’s celebratory product launch in Mississippi, Cuccinelli held a campaign event on a vacant industrial site in Virginia’s Southside, where GreenTech had hoped to build.

 To sum it all up, what they basically did was acknowledge the many things said by former employee's about the company. But, they don't acknowledge the part that it isn't a true business, but some scam to get money from foreign investors, then never really make a return.

They should have thought about watching 'Fast Terry' though. It may have helped them in their  conquest to understand more on the situation. However, knowing the Washington Post, they wouldn't have even tried. They probably have it labeled under "Right Wing Lies".

Sunday, August 11, 2013

CAIR's Ongoing Battle With Free Speech

   The Center for American-Islamic Relations is in the headlines again, and sure enough, they're offended by the fact that our country still has free speech. Free enough speech that they're pissed off a Florida town is letting a local chapter of ACT! for America hold a meetup for it's group in one of the towns meeting rooms.

   So why are they outraged at such a small thing? The speaker for the even is Jonathan Matusitz, a former professor at the University of Central Florida, who will be there to talk about the the current and future threats Islam posses to America.

   Of course, this outrages CAIR, because they're supposed to be presenting a message that Islam is a good thing (which they're not), so when something like this arises, they're gonna be upset. However, with CAIR, you have to understand that they're not gonna stand for anything that makes Islam look bad (except many bad things people in the religion do). So when an event like this pop's up, they're gonna be fumming.

   ACT! for America has every right to be there. There is nothing that say's they can't be there. CAIR can call for these groups to be outlawed, be banned from meeting in public, or regulated into the next century; it'll get them no where.

   Now, this is what Lawyer and Exec. Director for CAIR of Tampa Hassan Shibly said recently on the issue. "But this individual makes statements to incite violence against the Muslim community, so I think that the line has been crossed,”. Hold the phone, incite violence against the Muslim community? What? Nope. That's not what his speech is about. You must be pretty closed-minded if that's what you really think.

   "ACT! is an extremist group no different than the KKK. And if the KKK wanted to use that room, there would be a protest.” LOL, ACT! is no different than the KKK. That's a good one. I guess ACT! goes around hanging people from tree's, killing them in public. ACT! segregates them in public places? ACT! does everything the KKK once did? Nope. Way to go there, you closed-minded fools.

   CAIR needs to understand that this country has Free Speech. People have the right to say whatever they want. I'm sorry to say there so butthurt over the comments of one person who I've really never heard about. CAIR is a pointless organization that really doesn't do anything good. All I hear is complaint after complaint from them. They cry at every single bad thing anyone say's about Islam. It's a waste of time really.

Samantha Powers... Ambassador To The UN

   I hope I'm not the only one that doesn't like the sound of that. I mean, let's face it, Obama put up the most Anti-America person for the job. I shuddered at the mention of her being put up as the nominee. It's been so long since then that I forgot about her.

   Anyways, she recently gave her first public speech to the Fourth Estate Leadership Summit group at the UCLA, talking about how people and their ideologies can obstruct the goals of the UN, and how governments ladden with red-tape (see ours for instance) halt and slow it's progress.

   In all honesty, I'm not surprised she's complaining. I never hear about the good things the UN does, even though the US barrels out sum after sum to fund it and all it's policies. Giving Palestine and "observatory statehood" membership into the UN doesn't sit well with me either, seeing as how Palestine was divided by the British into Jordan and Israel.And where are the defined borders for Palestine. The last time I checked, Israel was still doing most of the defense work in their area's.

   Samantha doesn't sit well with me. Claiming you wanna rid the world of Kony is one thing, but it doesn't matter how much cash you through at the idea. What matters is getting the people who don't like him to raise their numbers and revolt. There really isn't much the UN can do but try to help those effected, if even that. And before some Liberal comes along and says "We should invade and get rid of Joseph Kony!", remember most Liberals when it came to Iraq?

   These days, the UN is a joke really. I see it getting nothing done, while eating away at your tax dollars like there's no tomorrow. We continue to fund it, and it barely gets anything done. It's a global government that has no power really, relying on the one's that make it up and fund it for it's life blood. I say we get out, and pull our funding. We cannot take care of our country as it is. Near $17 trillion in debt isn't a good thing/ Real unemployment is in the mid-to-upper teen's. People want things done, but we don't have the money to do it.

   I say we pull out of there, fire Samantha, and put our tax dollars to good use. Paying down the debt we've racked up is important. Now, if only more members in Congress and Obama would understand this.

Obama Claims Republicans Hate Health Care

   So recently (as in Friday), President Obama made the following statements: “My friends in the other party have made preventing [30 million] people from getting heath care their Holy Grail,”;
“The one unifying principle the Republican Party has is making sure that 30 million people don’t have health-care,”; and finally on the GOP threatening a government shutdown over Obamacare “is hard to understand as an agenda that is going to strengthen our middle class… [and] there’s not even a pretext now they’re going to replace it with something better,”.
   So let's look at these Friday comments, shall we. “My friends in the other party have made preventing [30 million] people from getting heath care their Holy Grail,” This is funny to me. I want everyone to have healthcare; however; it isn't a human right, nor is it something the government should be mandating everyone have. You cannot force someone to simply buy a healthcare plan, and keep up with the premiums. If they cannot afford it, they cannot afford it. And those who can afford or already pay, should not be forced to pay for the coverage of those who cannot afford it themselves. To me, that's theft.

   “The one unifying principle the Republican Party has is making sure that 30 million people don’t have health-care,” Again, this is laughable. All he's doing is trying to make the GOP look like the bad guy's. In reality, it's him who's the bad guy. Obamacare is nothing near a perfect policy. It's a load of bull when you ask me. Premiums are up for a majority of states, and it's not like the bureacracy has to be expanded to help oversee the law and it's workings.

  [GOP on Govt. Shutdown] “is hard to understand as an agenda that is going to strengthen our middle class… [and] there’s not even a pretext now they’re going to replace it with something better,”. First off, this isn't going to strengthen the Middle Class. Businesses can't afford it. They're cutting hiring, and moving employee's to Part-Time work. This hurts the Middle Class. If you've seen the statistics for premiums, they're up for all but 5 states.

   The lowest the premiums will be cut is just 14%, if even that. Not a whole lot. Especially when a majority of the other states are seeing double-percent increases. Other sources say even triple-digit increases.
    I want to know how this is supposed to strengthen the Middle Class, as Obama claims, when it forces them and people already struggling to pay for their own coverage to pay even more. 

   If you were truly for making the healthcare system better, then you'd return it to the Private Sector. As a result, you wouldn't have these premium-hikes, or this massive hike in converting Full-Time to Part-Time. If you were for healthcare, then you wouldn't be taxing the equiptment used to heal and help people in hospitals and other medical facilities. That makes it harder for businesses to do business, and as a result, procedures and about every other medical-related thing 1. cannot innovate and get better, 2.cost you more, and 3. are harder to obtain. Putting the government in charge of healthcare is a bad idea, and it was a terrible thing to do.

   The healthcare system won't be getting any better anytime soon thanks to Obama and Congress. Congress has had several times to stop the law, to end the headache people are feeling or going to feel. Congress could have done it, but they didn't. The President, however, will never allow his signature piece of legistlation to go down. He'd never let it get repealed. It's time people voice their outrage more and more. Obama needs to get it through his head that this isn't going to help people.

McAuliffe Once Tried To Get Solyndra Treatment

   Terry, Terry, Terry, what have you been doing? Not only did I receive an email from your campaign, thinking it was a response for my question I submitted, but turned out to be a plea from Wendy Davis, you tried to get the same loan Solyndra once had.

   Wait, didn't Solyndra go bankrupt? Why yes, yes it did. Would I have wished Greentech did? No, but if this had actually went through, I wouldn't have been surprised. Terry McAuliffe isn't a business man, he's a scam artist. While with Greentech Automotive, their Mississippi plant did almost nothing but house-keeping, except when a potential investor came through. Then they got the production lines going. While with Greentech, he promised that two plants would open in Mississippi. Only one would get to see the light of day, and that one faced massive layoff's. The second one never got built.

   While with Greentech, well, you probably didn't know this either, but he actually did begin building a factory... in Ordos, China, literally a modern "ghost-town" that is built to house over a million people. These kinds of cities are starting to appear around China because their government doesn't want it's people to stop working, for fear it'll shred their economy and ruin them.

   Getting back to McAuliffe, not only did he begin the factory in China, but he claimed it would create American jobs. So wait, he's talking about in-sourcing? I thought that was just made up in "The Campaign". Wait, it's in a ghost town, so I doubt we'll be seeing any car's roll out of there anytime soon.

   After leaving Greentech, he claimed he had bought up a paper mill in Franklin,VA, and was going to turn it into a "wood-pellet" factory, which can be used as an energy source for burning apparently. Well, that never came to. Not only did the wood-pellet company never come, but there were still two companies using the mill he'd claimed to have bought up for this green energy project of his.

   Terry McAuliffe must love green energy. It's brought him so much money, while leaving many others with pain and doubt. Investors never really have seen a return, and employee's weren't sure when there final day was gonna come.

   Getting back to Terry and the Government Loans, I'm thankful that they never came to be. It'd just've been more money we'd never see back. It amazes me how people could want this man to be governor of my own state. Sickens me even. They couldn't come up with anyone better? McAuliffe is pathetic if you ask me. I truly wish Virginians won't vote for him. He'd be a terrible governor.