Sunday, August 11, 2013

Samantha Powers... Ambassador To The UN

   I hope I'm not the only one that doesn't like the sound of that. I mean, let's face it, Obama put up the most Anti-America person for the job. I shuddered at the mention of her being put up as the nominee. It's been so long since then that I forgot about her.

   Anyways, she recently gave her first public speech to the Fourth Estate Leadership Summit group at the UCLA, talking about how people and their ideologies can obstruct the goals of the UN, and how governments ladden with red-tape (see ours for instance) halt and slow it's progress.

   In all honesty, I'm not surprised she's complaining. I never hear about the good things the UN does, even though the US barrels out sum after sum to fund it and all it's policies. Giving Palestine and "observatory statehood" membership into the UN doesn't sit well with me either, seeing as how Palestine was divided by the British into Jordan and Israel.And where are the defined borders for Palestine. The last time I checked, Israel was still doing most of the defense work in their area's.

   Samantha doesn't sit well with me. Claiming you wanna rid the world of Kony is one thing, but it doesn't matter how much cash you through at the idea. What matters is getting the people who don't like him to raise their numbers and revolt. There really isn't much the UN can do but try to help those effected, if even that. And before some Liberal comes along and says "We should invade and get rid of Joseph Kony!", remember most Liberals when it came to Iraq?

   These days, the UN is a joke really. I see it getting nothing done, while eating away at your tax dollars like there's no tomorrow. We continue to fund it, and it barely gets anything done. It's a global government that has no power really, relying on the one's that make it up and fund it for it's life blood. I say we get out, and pull our funding. We cannot take care of our country as it is. Near $17 trillion in debt isn't a good thing/ Real unemployment is in the mid-to-upper teen's. People want things done, but we don't have the money to do it.

   I say we pull out of there, fire Samantha, and put our tax dollars to good use. Paying down the debt we've racked up is important. Now, if only more members in Congress and Obama would understand this.